Forming is used as the primary method to make a variety of metal products including car doors, airplane wings and other pieces; even small things such as soda cans are examples of products created through metal forming!
When we think of sheet metal fabrication, we usually picture bulky cutting tables where metal fabrication experts work with laser and plasma to cut and shape various sheets of metal. We might also imagine welding and the variety of welding processes used to shape metal into a customer’s desired shape or outcome. However, another huge part of metal fabrication is the forming process; during forming a full sheet of metal is manipulated and shaped in such a way to reach a desired shape.
Forming is used as the primary method to make a variety of metal products including car doors, airplane wings and other pieces; even small things such as soda cans are examples of products created through metal forming!
There are many methods used to form metal into certain shapes, the one primarily used by General Saw Company is known as press braking, or brake forming!
30 Years Of Experience

Brake Forming
Brake forming is one of the oldest forms still in use today! This method sees a piece or sheet of metal being formed along a straight axis. A V or U shaped punch is pressed against the piece of metal being worked on, and it presses it into another tool known as the dye. This results in the metal being formed to the specific shape desired of the operator. While brake forming may seem simple, the set up must be quality: all parts of the press brake machine work together in unison and one part being out of the equation can throw the entire project into turmoil.
Whatever your forming needs are, General Saw Company is the firm for the job! Our metal fabrication experts have decades of experience, there is no project that our experts cannot take on! Contact us today for more information!